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Loved by students, researchers and professors
Advanced Editor
Linear helps 10,000+ software teams streamline their entire
Fast preview
Linear helps 10,000+ software teams streamline their entire
AI Assistant built in
Linear helps 10,000+ software teams streamline their entire
Full LaTeX Source Control
Run straight from your browser with no setup needed. We handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on your project. Simply open app.crixet.com and start writing.
Split Screen, Real-Time Preview
With built-in LaTeX compilation, you always know how your document looks.
Intelligent Code Completion with Syntax Highlighting
Run straight from your browser with no setup needed. We handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on your project. Simply open app.crixet.com and start writing.
Error Detection and Diagnostics
With built-in LaTeX compilation, you always know how your document looks.
File Management & Sync
Linear is the tool of choice for more than 10,000 organizations, from ambitious startups to major enterprises, including Fortune 20 companies. They choose Linear to accelerate their product momentum and build with speed and focus.
Linear helps 10,000+ software teams streamline their entire product development process, from bug and issue tracking all the way to managing project documents, complex initiatives, and long-term roadmaps.
Scale resolves bugs 2x faster since switching to Linear
Scale resolves bugs 2x faster since switching to Linear
Scale resolves bugs 2x faster since switching to Linear